Sunday, 26 January 2014

Oscar Buzz!

     I love love love the Oscars! Cant wait until March 2nd to see all of the actors and actresses glammed up on the red carpet and being my own “fashion police,” criticizing what they wore. I also like to see a lot of the movies nominated, so I know whats going on. Got to stay in the know! Going to the movies is also one of my favourite things to do, especially in the winter when I just want to do something low key. Lately, I have seen a lot and finally there have been some good ones that I have thoroughly enjoyed! One of which being, “The wolf of wall street.” I have loved Leonardo DiCaprio since Titanic, but “Catch me if you can” has always been my personal favourite. Until now, because, “The wolf of wall street” has taken its place as my favourite, with Leo playing yet another lovable criminal. He plays sketchy stock broker, Jordan Belford who opened a stock firm, scamming people into buying penny stocks. The firm utilizes the “pump and dump” scheme, selling a particular stock whole heartedly to all of their investors, to artificially bring it up and sell it to them for more than it is worth. This is based on a true story, that took place in the 90's and Jordan Belford got incredibly rich off of it. The film shows Jordan Belford's luxurious lifestyle- beautiful people, drugs, yachts and all. When I heard it was 3 hours long, I was skeptical a film could keep me captivated that long, but that just wasn't a problem here. It was just such a good story and Leo portrayed Jordan Belford amazingly! Jonah Hill was also great playing Donnie Azoff, Jordan's lovable best friend and business partner. I wouldn't be surprised if Leo and Jonah took best actor and supporting actor oscars, as they definitely would be my first choice! Jordan Belford's wife, Naomi Lapaglia (played by Margot Robbie) was also great and just gorgeous! This was the first time I have seen her in anything, as she is a fairly new actress, but I can see why they took the chance on her. She was perfect for the role and very believable, playing a woman Jordan Belford would have no problem leaving his his wife for. All in all- a great film, highly recommend seeing it, if you haven't yet!

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